Home to Her

Awakening from the Trance of Unworthiness with Monica Rodgers

Episode Summary

So often for women, there’s a breakdown that needs to occur in order for us to truly wake up from the trance of unworthiness that is the special gift of patriarchal systems. On today’s episode, Monica Rodgers, podcaster and creatrix of the Revelation Project, talks to me about finding the beauty in the breakdown. Monica is the host of the Revelation Project podcast, where she interviews a wide variety of inspiring women, exploring alternative narratives to traditional patriarchal influences. Through her group coaching programs, she helps guide women through inner evolution, revealing the toxic myths of social conditioning and self-doubt in order to illuminate the magic and magnificence of their imperfect selves. Today’s show also includes discussion about how the Divine Feminine often finds us in the midst of the breakdown, why this century has been dubbed “The Sophia Century” and what it means, and what might be possible for our future as the Divine Feminine continues to rise.

Episode Notes